dumbbell goblet squats
Squats are an extremely functional exercise as they teach us to maintain a neutral spine while bending down to pick things up from the legs instead of the back. The dumbbell version allows the weight to be front-loaded for more of a quad focus.
- Easy
- Moderate
- Challenging
Which Muscles Are Worked?
Exercise Type
How to do dumbbell goblet squats Properly
Step by Step Guide
Begin standing with the feet hip distance apart or slightly wider. Hold a dumbbell at your chest with both hands so that arms are bent.
Sit the hips down and back as you squat down while driving the knees outward.
Once the hips are below the knees, reverse the motion as you stand back up and straighten the legs.
Repeat for the desired repetitions.
Common Mistakes
A common mistake is squatting straight down instead of sitting back into the squat. Pretend as if you’re sitting onto a chair behind you and shift the weight into your heels to more evenly strengthen your entire lower body.